Home is where you end up in the good times and the bad. #sharehomeis
Monthly Archives: November 2014
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that’s right! this #GivingTuesday focus on home! #NewAmericanDream #homematters #sharehomeis @instamedadad
Tweet: Home is a kitchen table. Thanks @BuckheadChurch! #…
Home is a kitchen table. Thanks @BuckheadChurch! #BeRich #grateful #atl #thanksgiving #sharehomeis @HomeMattersUSA http://t.co/6LJ1xUVDul
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“Home Matters releases new video at #SIS14, and Kevin Carroll, Founder @katalyst opens his session by saying: “Home Matters, the video played before this session, resonated with me because I didn’t have a home at a young age.” Not at #SIS14? Watch a sneak peak of our new video & tell us why #HomeMatters to your #NewAmericanDream: http://t.co/XZFmUJm7Zo
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It was fantastic to share Home Matters’ bold new approach to addressing our nation’s housing crisis today during the Innovation Showcases at the Social Innovation Summit #SIS14
Tweet: #HomesWithinReach must be a priority! Everyone des…
#HomesWithinReach must be a priority! Everyone deserves an affordable, healthy, and safe home. @PAHousing #homematters #sharehomeis
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Cara going over the #landtrust model of homeownership with @nhscleveland program director, Marge Misak, and @defymedia counsel. #clevelandheights #thisisCLE #sharehomeis #homematters @officialprankitfwd #PrankitFWD
Tweet: Home is where I find shelter and comfort, and wher…
Home is where I find shelter and comfort, and where I create hospitality and intimacy with others #sharehomeis homemattersamerica.com/home-full-grid/